0121 702 2353

Having been involved in the provision of orthodontic courses for over 30 years and having trained many thousands of dentists around the globe, the team at CfastSmileTRU are intimately aware of the growing demand for high quality, post graduate education.
With an increasing number of dentists incorporating orthodontics in to their practice, we felt there was a need for a course specifically aimed and tailor made for the general dental practitioner which, as well as providing a good theoretical and clinical foundation, would be very practical in nature and could be quickly implemented in to a general practice setting and this is what we have delivered - a unique Orthodontic Diploma not available anywhere else in Europe.
The Orthodontic Diploma course, in conjunction with EduQual, has been designed with the perfect balance of both academic and clinical elements in mind and importantly, will lead to the qualification of PG Dip.Orth. (Post Graduate Diploma in Orthodontics).
Under the guidance of Dr Almuzian we have undertaken an extensive approval process with EduQual (a UK awarding body) who have granted our Orthodontic Diploma Level 7 status. EduQual qualifications are officially credit-rated for the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF), a national qualifications framework aligned to the OfQual Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) and the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). The course will be delivered under the banner of ACE (Academic and Clinical Excellence) and guarantees the same quality, support and world class customer service that we have become reputed for.
Click here to download the full course brochure
To book your place, please call 0844 209 7035 (from within the UK) or +44 1904 201080 (From outside the UK)
Alternatively, e-mail info@aceorthodonticdiploma.com