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Triple O Dental Labororatories

0121 702 2353

Oral, Orthopaedics & Orthodontics

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Indirect Bonding

Regardless of bracket type, or even who's placing it, the measure of success depends on proper placement. We feel that the most accurate bracket placement is performed indirectly.

Brackets and Matrix on Study Model

Placing brackets with matrix on the patient

Compared with direct bonding, the ability that the laboratory has to rotate the model and look at bracket position in all planes of space without the added pressure of a patient in the chair is unequalled.

With indirect bonding you can complete an entire bond up in a single appointment, reducing human and time-related errors because fewer steps are needed to complete the process, making it more effective and efficient.

The indirect bonding matrix’s that the lab supply, will be split into 4 quarters to make fitting easier for you.

Please call the Laboratory for further details on indirect bonding.